Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON FAMILY -
This is a look at Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON - along with their Parents, Siblings, and Children.
I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered.
Thanks for your help.
Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson (son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffley, grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan and great grandson of Sevn and Sigri Berg - JOHNSON)
446 Trinity Drive, Allen, TX 75002
Last updated: August 4, 2004
Johannes Mikkelsen Haugen (1806 – 1872) born at Onstadeie, Aurdal, Valdres, Norway.
his father: Mikkel Johannesen Haugen , son of: Johannes Einerson Aaberg (1708 - 1792) and Giertrud Mikkelsdatter Koldsbreche
his mother: Agathe Olsdatter MidtStrandeie (1776 - 1828) daughter: of Ole Arneson Midtstrand (cr.1729 - 1791) and Ragnild Helgesdatter Midtstrand
Johannes married in 1831: Marit Svendsdatter Gausdgereir (1807 – 1898)
her father: Sven Thordson Gausdgereir (1778 - 1837) son of: Thord Thoreson Gausaker (1746 - ?) and Marit Svendsdatter Ulneseie
(1747 cr. 1811)
her mother: Sigri Amundsdatter Lien (1763 - 1841) daughter of: Amund Svendsen Lien (cr. 1721 - 1805) and Berte Olsdatter Lundane
(cr. 1729 - 1797)
(Marit immigrated to Stanton County, Nebraska, in 1873, after her husband died, along with her son Ole and daughter Ragnild. She is burried in the Stanton County, Nebraska, "Norwegian Cemetery".)
Johannes and Marit had the following children:
1. Agathe Johannesdatter (1830 – between 1861 & 1865), Agathe did not emigrate
2. Johannes (John) Johannesen (1834 – 1884), John emigrated in 1866 with wife Margit Hallsteinsdatter
3. Svend Johannesen (1837 – 1931), Sven emigrated in 1868 with wife Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard
4. Siri (Sarah) Johannesdatter (1844 – 1919), Sarah emigrated in 1868 with husband Halver Halverson
5. Berit Johannesdatter Haugen (1846 – 1909), Berit did not emigrate
6. Ragnild Johannesdatter (1848 - 1943), Ragnild emigrated in 1873
7. Ole Johannesen (1852 – 1937), Ole emigrated in 1873
The picture below shows Sven and some of his siblings:
This page will discuss the family of Ragnild Johnson, Sister to Sven Johnson and Aunt to Iver Johnson.
6. Ragnild Johannesdtr (1848 - 1943)
emigrated to Stanton County in 1873
m. 1873 Ole O. Loe (1825 – before 1902) his second marriage ?
m. 1902 Tobias Mack (? - 1907)
m. 1915 Carl Monthel(? - 1926)
She had the following children with Ole O. Loe:
6.1. Rosa Loe (1874) m. Henry Aaberg
6.2. Ole Iver Loe (1876)
6.3. Emma Loe (1877)
6.4. Ida Loe (1878) m. Brinkworth
6.5. Nell LOe (1879)
6.6. Oscar M. Loe
There are several documents
that give us information on Ragnild (Haugen) Johnson and her family. This
includes the Stanton Register along with books and other publications of the
The following obituary was published in the Stanton Register September 23, 1943.
"Mrs Reginald (Haugen) Johnson (Loe) (Mack) Monthe died of old age complications Thursday, September 16, 1943, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Rosa Aaberg in Hoskins, Nebraska... Mrs. Monthei was born October 15, 1848, at North Aurdale, Valdres, Norway, the daughter of John and Mary Haugen... Seventy years ago she came from Norway with her mother and two brothers and her sister in Stanton County, Nebraska. The same year, 1873, she married Ole O. Loe and they settled on a homestead 6 miles southeast of Stanton. Their union was blessed with ten children.
In 1902 she married Tobias Mach who passed away five years later. After eight years, in 1915, she married Carl Monthei of Hoskins, Nebraska, and has made her home in Hoskins since that time. Mr Monthei passed away in 1926. Seven children and Mr. Loe, her first husband also proceded her in death.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs Rosa Asberg of Hoskins, and Mrs. Ida Brinkworth of Beatrice, Nebraska, and one, Oscar M. Loe of Aberdeen, Washington. Also surviving are 14 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and 2 great-great grandchildren...
Those from out of town who attended services were: Mrs. Ida L. Brinkworth of Beatrice; Mrs. Dave DeRoos, Sioux City, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, Bloomfield, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Volwiler, Carroll, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lemkuhl, Wayne, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. John Aaberg, Norfolk, Nebraska; Ole Aaberg and son Harlen of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrs. Iver Johnson, Stanton, Royal K. Aaberg, Philadelphia, Pa.;and Mrs Constance R. Thomas of Omaha."
Rosa Loe (1874) (Ragnold's daughter) married Henry K. Aaberg. She was his second wife. His first wife was Caroline Severson. Rosa and Henry had the following children:
6.1.1 Berete Mary (1889 - 1912)
6.1.2. Minnie Christina (1896 - 1913)
6.1.3. Oscar (1897 - 1976)
6.1.4. Clara m. Paul Schwager of Page Nebraska
6.1.5. Sever J.
6.1.6. Herman C.
6.1.7. Royal K.
6.1.8. Hanna m. Harry Michels
6.1.9. Sam
6.1.10. Casper
6.1.11. John
6.1.12. Ole
Ole O. loe (1825 – before 1902) was married before his marriage to Ragnild and he had a son, Ole E. Loe (1855 - 1897) from the first marriage.
The 1865 Norwegian census lists him and his children as follows but no wife is listed:
Ole Ols Husfader Gaardbr Selveier 41
Johan Ols 15
Ingebor Olsd. 13
Ole Ols 11
Barbo Olsd.6
Eline Olsd.4
The 1880 Nebraska census shows Ole E. Loe to be 25 years old at the time of the census. On the census listing, he follows the family of Ole O. Loe, who was the husband of Ragnild. He is reported to be a farmer and is listed individually. When he died in 1897 his obituary says he was buried in the Johnson cemetery.
The following is from the obituary reported in the Stanton Register April 16, 1897 for Ole E. Loe:
Died, on Monday, April 12th, 1897... Ole E. Loe, age 42 years...the remains laid to rest in the Johnson cemetery south-east (should read south-west) of town... He was born in Norway and has been a resident of Stanton County for 29 years (means he emigrated in 1868 when he was 13 years old) ... He leaves a wife and six children... The children are:
When researching the Loe families be aware that there are the following possibilities:
the descendents of Ole O. Loe (1825) and his first wife,
the descendents his first son, Johan (1850),
the descendents of his second son, Ole E., (1855)
and the descendents of his marriage with Ragnild.