This is a look at the Johnson / Heffley Family history. I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered. Thanks for your help.
Web site manager:Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson, son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffly Johnson. Grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan Johnson and Adam LeRoy (Roy) and Wilhelmien (Minnie) Heffley.
This page was last updated May 24, 2004
The following information was researched and supplied by Corinne H. Diller:
BASIL DUKE, 1710’s,
he died 1767, Charles Co., Md.
s/o James Duke (3rd) 1691-1754 & Martha wife
died (before 1767)
1. MARY DUKE, @ 1740,
marr 6 June 1760, Monocacy River, JOHN GORDON
died 1785/89, Monongalia Co., (W) Va.
2. Richard Duke,
3. Moses Duke,
Don't know much about this guy, though his ancestors are better-documented. There is another Basil DUKE who is more famous, and is claimed as father of Mary. However, he is much younger, and actually her cousin.
The following is from the research on Jim Meigham: 4. His (John Gordon) wife Mary Duke descends from the Calvert County, Maryland, Dukes. The will of James Duke 3rd, dated Feb 2nd 1754, names his sons: James, John, Leonard, Basil, Andrew, Benjamin; and his daughters: Martha Mackall, and Mary Hellen. His dwelling plantation was a part of "Brook Place Manor". James Duke 3rd operated a watermill at the head of Battle Creek. The will was probated Aug 21, 1754. Note: Jim was of the opinion that Mary Hellen (daughter of James Duke 3rd.) was the withe of John Gordon. However, as Corinne has determined, she was actually the grand daughter of James Duke 3rd. Her father was Basil Duke (c.a. 1710 - 1767) sone of James Duke the Third.