Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON FAMILY -
This is a look at Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON - along with their Parents, Siblings, and Children.
I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered.
Thanks for your help.
Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson (son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffley, grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan and great grandson of Sevn and Sigri Berg - JOHNSON)
446 Trinity Drive, Allen, TX 75002
Last updated: August 4, 2004
3. Sven Johannesen (Johnson) (1837 – 1931)
In 1860 Sven married Jorand Olsdatter (1835 - c.a. 1865)
They had the following child:
3.1. Julia (1865 - ?) m. C.J. Anderson
In 1866 Sven Married Sigrid Berg (1844 – 1912)
Sven and Sigri emigrated to Stanton County in 1868
They had the following children:
3.2. John S. (1866 – 1921) m. Mary Halverson
3.3. Rose (1869 – 1945) m. John Stangland
3.4. Iver S. (1879 – 1951) m. Anna Ryan
3.5. Sarah (1881 – 1962) m. John Midtlien
3.6. Anna (1883 - 1955) m. Theodore Ringer
3.7. Ida (1885 – 1966). m. James Johnson
The pictures below are of the Sven Johnson family taken in 1912 to celebrate Sven's 75th. birthday.
In the first picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, Rose.
In the top row:
John S., Anna, Ida, Sarah, Iver S.
In the second picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, John S.
In the top row:
Ida, Anna, Iver S., Rose, Sarah.
This page will look at Iver S. and Anna Ryan Johnson. Iver was the son of Sven and Sigrid Berg Johnson.
3.4. Iver S. (1879 – 1951) m. Anna Ryan
They had the following children:
3.4.1. Clifford S. (1908 - 2000) m. Sophia Hekrdly (1915 – 1956) m.(second marriage) Jovito Bautista
--- Barbara (1937 – 1985)
--- Judith Joan (1940 - 2000) m. Brucker m. Pradip Datta
------ Kenneth Brucker
------ Jeff
--- Mark Clifford (1946 -1999)
--- Carol m. Jim Huss
------ Jimmy
------ Christina
--- Cathy m. J. Halley
------ Judy Ann
3.4.2. Ellsworth Bernard (January 17, 1910 – February 5, 1999) m. Rowena Josephine Heffley (April 28, 1914 – October 24, 1969)
--- Patricia Louise m. Michael Charles Davis
------ Edward Charles m. Lynne Marie Belvins
--------- Anjelica Rae
--------- Marisa Renee
------ Cynthia Marie m. James Glakas
--------- Mick
--------- Diana
------ Therese Jean m. Kenneth Smith
--------- Ryan
--------- Hannah Jo
--- Eugene David m. Barbara Cogdal
------ Kerry Theresa m. Steve Kurpius
--------- Sarah
------ Britton David m. Kristen
--- Eugene D. m. Charlotte Carpenter, second wife
3.4.3. Ivera m. Leonard Morfeld
--- Dale m. Mary Phelps
------ Erich m. Patti
--------- Nicholas
--------- Henry
------ Ian m. Courtney DeAngelis
------ Genea Alexandra m. Tyronn Swan
--------- Cole
--------- Dru
------ Callie m. Mike
--- Sharon m. Romano Biancardi
go to William Ryan
Iver S. Johnson was born May 17, 1879 in Stanton County, Nebraska. He was the son of Sven and Sigrid Berg Johnson who emigrated from Valdres, Norway in 1868 and were among the first white settlers in Stanton County.
The Johnson name was taken as a sur-name once U.S. citizinship was applied for. The naming convention in Norway was such that the last name was usually the name of the farm or location where the family lived. First names were selected from the names of the paternal or maternal grandparents (depending on sex) and great grandparents (as often necessary) depending on order of birth. Middle names were the first name of their father. At the time of immigration, Sven signed himself: "Sven Johannessen Haugen". Johann (Johann's son) would have been his father's first name and Haugen was the name of a farm in Valdres, Norway.
On May 11, 1898, At the age of 18, Iver left Stanton High School to enlist as a Private in Troop K of the Third Regiment, U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, and serve in the Spanish American War. He was sent to Camp Thomas in Georga for training and later mustered out with an honorable discharge September 8, 1898, at the end of the war. The Third Regiment was a collection of volunteers from the Dakotas, Montana, and Nebraska, with Troop K consisting of the Nebraska group. The Third Regiment adopted the name "Grigbsy's Riders" after their commander, similar to the Roosevelt Rough Riders. Here is a link to more information on the Third Regiment:
Third Regiment U.S.Volunteer Cavalry including K Troop from Nebraska
The following article appeared in the Worthington Herald on May 29, 1898. It relates the story of a South Dakota cavalry unit passing through a Minnesota town on the way to the front.
This unit, which became the 3rd U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, was made up of troops from North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Nebraska. The 3rd was mustered into the federal service between May 12 and May 23, 1898. Commanded by the attorney general of South Dakota, Melvin Grigsby of Souix Falls, and considered to be a "cowboy" regiment, the unit gained the name of "Grigsby's Rough Riders" after the more famous "Rough Riders" (1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry) commanded by Theodore Roosevelt. When mustered in, the unit consisted of 45 officers and 961 men.
The unit was organized in the following locations:
Troops A, B, C, D, and E - South Dakota
Troop F - Montana
Troops G and H - North Dakota
Troops I, L and M - Montana
Troop K - Nebraska
Troop F was organized by Will Cave of Missoula, Montana. Cave began organizing what became Troop F on March 31, 1898, leading to the claim that he was the first to volunteer for service in the war.
The 3rd never saw service outside of the continental U.S. and appears to have spent the majority of its brief career at Camp Thomas, located on the former Civil War battlefield of Chickamauga, Georgia. The camp was one of the major U.S. training camps, and grew quite unhealthy as the population at the camp rose to tens of thousands of men by late summer, 1898.
With the war's fighting ending by armistice on August 13, 1898, the 3rd was no longer needed, and was mustered out at Camp Thomas, Chickamauga, Georgia on September 8, 1898. During its term of service, nine men died of disease, twenty-two were discharged on disability, two were courtmartialled and four deserted. The war would end about three months later, on December 10, 1898, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.
The picture below on the left has the following caption on the back: "July, 1898, Iver S. Johnson, Troop K 3rd U.S. Vol.Cav. Camp G.H.Thomas, Chickamanga Park, Ga. Grigsby's "Rough Riders"
The picture on the right is captioned as follows: Iver S. Johnson, Troop K Third U.S. Vol. Cav. Camp G.H. Thomas, Chickamanga Park, Lythe, Ga., July 29th, 1898.
It is interesting to look at the U.S.Calvary equipment issued for the Spanish American War Troops training at Camp Thomas. In this picture we see two Krag Carbines, a Colt 45 Artilery model (modified from the Cavalry model with a shorter 5 1/2 inch barrel), a saber, a McClellan saddle with saddle bags, along with other gear for the military horse, camping, etc. There is significant history for each of these items. Here is a link that gives information about the McClellan saddle:
History of the McClellan Military Saddle
The picture below shows Iver, forth from the left standing. There is no caption on this picture, however, it was obvioulsy taken at Champ Thomas and is probably a picture of the Nebraska, Troop K, Volunteer contingent. It would be interesting to see if any of these solders can be identified.
The following is quoted from a letter written by Iver:
"Born May 17, 1879 in a log house on old homestead 5 miles S.W. of Stanton. Was one of two puples to be the first from District 19 to attend Stanton High School. On May 10, 1898, volunteered in war against Spain in Troop K 3rd U.S. Vol. Cav. After, returned home and helped on farm. One winter to Seminary college at Red Wing, Minn. The next winter started at Agri School in the University at Lincoln. Was stricken with Diptheria and Scarlet fever which caused me to abandon school education."
Iver continued in the Nebraska National Guard as a First Lt. for 5 years, as a Captain for 5 years, and as a Major five years. He enlisted in the regular army as a private during WW I and served on the Mexican Border for two years (1916 - 1917). He was "War Expert" for rifle and pistol for several years. He was a member of the Nebraska rifle team attending competition at Camp Perry in 1908 and 1909. He also competed at Jacksonville, Flordia October 20, 1916 as Team Commander of the 22 solders representing Nebraska at this National competition. .
The caption on the first picture below says: "First Lt. Stanton Rifles Nebraska National Guard, Iver S. Johnson, July 4, 1902" taken at Macy Studio, Norfolk, Nebraska.
The second picture below shows Iver in the upper left. The picture was taken at Phillips Studio, Red Wing, Minn. I would assume it is a picture of his class mates while attending the seminary as mentioned in his letter quoted above.
The third picture was made on a tin of a young Iver.
The Troop picture below is of the October 20, 1916, Nebraska rifle team sent to the national competition at Jacksonville, Flordia. At that time, they were part of the Nebraska Fourth Regiment National Guard stationed at Camp Llamo Grande, Texas.The names listed below were taken from a newspaper article published in the Omaha World-Herald dated October 14, 1916, and are not captioned on the picture.
Team members included: Team Commander, Major Iver S. Johnson (fifth from left, top row); Team Coach, Lieutenant-Colonel W.E.Baehr; Range Officer, Captain J.R.Hogate; Spotter, Captain Charles L. Burmester; Surgeon, Lieutenant Stacy B. Hall; Cook, Private Ray R.Moble; Captains: Harry Hobbs, Chris L. Anderson, Otis E. Davis, Montie E. Lum; 1st Lieutenants: Frank G. Tracy, Joseph E. Dulin, Hans M. Anderson; Sargents: Fred Ney, Archer Welton, Fred W. Wharton, Fred W. Stenson, C.E. Sloniger, Albert Rode, V.R. Taylor, Chris Sorenson, G.P. Cather.
Iver enlisted as a Private in the regular army March 25, 1917 and was discharged April 5, 1919. During that time he served on the Mexican border. Here is a link that gives information on the Mexican Border conflict that was going on at that time:
Events leading to the Mexican Border Punitive Expedition during WWI
The pictures below show the trunk he used while on the Mexican Border during WWI.
One of the stories (family legend) my dad (Ellsworth) told about when he was a kid was the "Jackass" he and his brother Clifford received in Stanton from their Dad (Iver) while he was on the Mexican Broder. This is a picture that confirms that event. The caption on this picture says: "Cliff on Jackass with Ells". As Dad told the story, they were notified by the train station master to come and pick up their present. They were really surprized to find four leggs and long ears. It looks like the Texmex donkey was equally surprized to see the Nebraska snow.
Iver and Anna Ryan were married January 30, 1905.
The following is an excerpt from the Stanton Register, February 3, 1905:
“… Married at West Point, Monday, January 30, 1905, Mr. Iver Johnson and Miss Anna Ryan, both of this county.
The newly wedded couple is some of Stanton County’s best people. The bride was one of our best teachers and for some time ran a dressmaker’s shop in this city. She was born and reared in Stanton County and the host of her friends shows her true loveliness in many excellent traits of character.
The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sven Johnson and one of our rising young men. He is 1st Lieutenant in company B and has done excellent work in building up a splendid militia company. He was the republican candidate for county clerk a year ago last fall. Mr. Johnson is one of our most energetic citizens. He is full of life and vigorous manhood, a hard worker and generous to a fault..."
William Ryan
The following is an excerpt from a letter written by Clifford Johnson grandson of William and Caroline Wittler Ryan.
“(Per family legend) The Ryans – 4 brothers came over during the Civil war. The three older Ryan brothers joined the Army. Whether they were forced or volunteered we don’t know. Mary Ryan, daughter of William Ryan, tried but failed (to find out). The three brothers died in the battle of Bull Run. … William Ryan was too young for the Army so he was left to shift for himself. He landed in Illinois. We were told some family by the name of Wittler raised him. I believe he later married a Wittler.
This is taken from the book “History of the Elkhorn Valley Nebraska an Album of History and Biography, National Publishing Company, Chicago - 1892 - Omaha”
“William Ryan, a farmer living on Section 20, Humbug precinct, came to Stanton County in the spring of 1883, locating on his present place, which then consisted of a half-section of wild land, upon which he made many valuable improvements, including a good farm house sixteen feet square, a barn 56 x 56 feet, a granary, tool-house and other out-buildings, also provided his place with good wells and erected a wind-mill for pumping purposes. Of his present farm, one hundred and twenty-five acres are under the plow, the whole surrounded by a fence and sub-divided by cross-fences.
Mr. Ryan is a native of Ireland, born March, 1836, the son of William and Johannah Ryan, whose six children were: Michael, Mary, Thomas, Patrick, Charles and William.
He is (the one) of whom we write this notice, lived in the land of his nativity until fifteen years of age, and then came to this country. He landed at Boston, from there going to Manchester, New Hampshire, where he learned the shoe-making trade, but after eight months abandoned this and for one year drove a team on the railroad. He then spent four months in New York City, and from there went to Ohio, where he followed farming four years, followed railroad work in Pennsylvania and later went to St. Louis, continuing to work at railroading until 1866, when he came to Iowa (I think this should read Illinois because he married Caroline Wittler in 1867 at Chattsworth, Illinois) and followed railroad work until he came to Stanton County, Nebraska. When young he was not afforded a good education, the advantages then not being what they are today.
November, 1867, he was united in marriage to Caroline Wittler, the daughter of Frank and Barbara Wittler, natives of Sulsbach, Mosbach Baden, Germany, whose nine children were: Margaret (deceased), Frank (deceased), Caroline, George, Charles (deceased), Rosa, Joseph (deceased), Elizabeth and Lena.
Our subject and his wife have been blessed with nine children, as follows: Rosa, George, Elizabeth, Catharine, Mary, Sarah, Agnes (Anna), Joseph and William."
Anna Ryan was born at Chatsworth, Illinois, January 17, 1877. In 1882, at age 5, She moved with her family to Stanton County. She attended school district 7 and then Wayne State Normal College after which she taught school 7 seven years in Stanton County rural schools.
The following picture shows her receiving her teaching deploma from Wayne State College. The first picture was taken at "Cravaen (studio)" Wayne, Nebraska. The caption is: Anna Ryan, Teachers Class, August 12, 1896, (age 19) Wayne, Nebraska. Then a signature: Mrs Wm. Ryan.
The second picture was taken at Marcy studio, Norfolk, Nebraska, and is with Iver. The caption says July 4, 1902, Norfolk, Nebraska. However, it also says Iver Johnson & wife Anna A. Ryan. This date conflicts with a marriage date of January 30, 1905. Also, it looks like a ring on her finger in the picture so maybe the caption date is wrong and it should be after the wedding in 1905.
the third picture is of Anna Ryan with her future sister-in-laws, Sarah, Ida, and Anna, taken in 1901.
The following picture is of Anna and Iver in a carriage.
There were three children in the Iver Johnson family, Clifford, Ellsworth and Ivera. The following pictures show the family. The caption on the second picture says: "Johnson family taken 1912 at Norfolk. I haven't been able to identify the car. I notice it is a right hand drive. It looks like Clifford is in front and Ellsworth in the back. How about those hats! The last picture of Anna, Clifford, Ellsworth, and Ivera is priceless!!!
Let me know if you have any information you want me to add to this page and I will be glad to do so recognizing you as the source. I can scan and return origional pictures. Thanks for visiting this web page.
The picture below is of Anna with Ivera, Ellsworth and Clifford.
The following appeared in the February 4, 1910 publication of the Stanton Register, page 4, column 2.
One of the items we missed two weeks ago was a fine 10 lb boy at Mr. and Mrs. Iver Johnson. We hate to miss the little fellows as babies are real live news items.
The picture below is of Clifford and Ellsworth with the catch of the day. The second picture is a young Ellsworth all dressed up.
The following appeared in the June 10, publication of the Stanton Register:
Will Live on farm Southwest of Stanton
St. Peter's Catholic church was
the scene of a beautiful spring
wedding Monday morning at
nine o'clock when Miss Rowena
Heffley became the bride of Ellsworth Johnson. Rev. Joseph
Seiberlich read the nuptial mass.
Miss Geraldine Heffley, sister of
the bride, and Clifford Johnson.
brother of the groom, attended
the bridal couple.
The church was decorated with
pink and white streamers- and
baskets of garden flowers banked the altar, where white tapers
To the strains of the Mendelssohn Wedding March, played by
Mrs. F. L. Slobodny, the wedding
party approached the altar. During the ceremony, Miss Ivera,
Johnson, sister of the groom, and
Miss Mary Ann Slobodny sang,
accompanied by Mrs. Slobodny
at. the organ.
The bride was lovely in her ash
rose ensemble with matching accessories and a large white picture hat. Her bridesmaid wore
a yellow ensemble with yellow
hat and harmonizing accessories.
They each carried shower bouquets of spring flowers.
Following the ceremony ».
wedding breakfast was served to
the immediate members of the
families at the home of the bride's
parents. The couple then left
for a short trip to Denver, Colorado.
The bride's going away outfit
was of white linen, with blue accessories.
Mrs. Johnson is the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Heffley. She was graduated from
the Stanton high school in 1931
and since that time has taught in
District 81 in Stanton county.
The groom, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Iver S. Johnson, was
graduated from Stanton high
school with the class of 1928. For
the past several years he has been
associated with his father in the
farming industry.
The young couple will be at
home to their friends on the Sven
Johnson farm southeast of Stanton.
The following was reported in the September 9, 1937 Stanton Register:
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Johnson, Thursday, September 2.
The following was reported in the July 10, 1941 Stanton Register:
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Johnson, Sunday, July6.
The following was reported in the Stanton Register:
Loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather
STANTON — Services for
Ellsworth B. Johnson, 89, Stanton,
will be at 10:30 a,m. Friday, February 12, at St. Peter's Catholic Church
here. The Rev. Timothy Lange will
officiate with burial in the Stanton
Visitation will be 3-8 p.m. Thursday with a 7:30 p.m. rosary at
Shultz-Vogel-Johnson Mortuary in
He died Friday, Feb. 5, 1999, at
The son of Iver and Anna (Ryan)
Johnson was born Jan. 17, 1910, in
Stanton County. He graduated
from Stanton High School in 1929.
He married Rowena Heffley on
June 10, 1935, at St. Peter's
Catholic Church in Stanton. He
farmed in Stanton County until
retiring. He moved to Stanton in
Mr. Johnson was a member of
St. Peter's Catholic Church and
Elkhorn Acres Golf Course. He served as the weed superintendent of Stanton County for several
Survivors include:
one daughter and her spouse, Patricia and Michael Davis of Lancaster, Virginia;
one son and his wife, Gene and Charlotte of Novi, Michigan;
one brother, Clifford of El Dorado Springs, Moissouri;
one sister, Ivera Morfeld of Crowley, Texas;
five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife.