Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON FAMILY -
This is a look at Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON - along with their Parents, Siblings, and Children.
I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered.
Thanks for your help.
Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson (son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffley, grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan and great grandson of Sevn and Sigri Berg - JOHNSON)
446 Trinity Drive, Allen, TX 75002
Last updated: August 4, 2004
3. Sven Johannesen (Johnson) (1837 – 1931)
In 1860 Sven married Jorand Olsdatter (1835 - c.a. 1865)
They had the following child:
3.1. Julia (1865 - ?) m. C.J. Anderson
In 1866 Sven Married Sigrid Berg (1844 – 1912)
Sven and Sigri emigrated to Stanton County in 1868
They had the following children:
3.2. John S. (1866 – 1921) m. Mary Halverson
3.3. Rose (1869 – 1945) m. John Stangland
3.4. Iver S. (1879 – 1951) m. Anna Ryan
3.5. Sarah (1881 – 1962) m. John Midtlien
3.6. Anna (1883 - 1955) m. Theodore Ringer
3.7. Ida (1885 – 1966). m. James Johnson
The pictures below are of the Sven Johnson family taken in 1912 to celebrate Sven's 75th. birthday.
In the first picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, Rose.
In the top row:
John S., Anna, Ida, Sarah, Iver S.
In the second picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, John S.
In the top row:
Ida, Anna, Iver S., Rose, Sarah.
This page will discuss the family of Rev. John and Sarah (Johnson) Midtlien.
The following is the wedding announcement for Sarah Johnson and Reverend John Midtlien that appeared in the June 23rd, 1921 publication of the Stanton Register (page 1 column 4).
The S. Johnson home was the scene of a happy occasion when Miss. Sarah Matilda Johnson was united in marriage to Rev. J. N. Midtlien on Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock, June 15th, in the presence of about sixty guests. Rev. O.C. Thompson of Hartington, Nebraska, a former classmate of the groom, officiated, using the double ring ceremony…
Mr. T.O. Ringer of Tilden, Nebraska, acted as best man, and Mrs. T.O. Ringer a sister of the bride, was matron of honor…
Both Rev. O.C.J. Thompson and the groom spoke briefly in honor of Mr. and Mrs. T.O. Ringer, whose fifteenth Wedding anniversary was celebrated the same day. Mr. James Johnson rendered several trombone solos. Rev. Thompson sang several selections…
The bride is a Stanton girl and has spent her entire life here. She has been brought up in the Lutheran Church and has for ten years been working as Children’s Division Superintendent of the County, and has been active in rural Sunday School work.
After spending some time with friends in several parts of Nebraska and Wisconsin, the bridal couple will leave for their home in Stanley, Wisconsin, where Rev. J. N. Midtlien is the pastor of a large Lutheran Church.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding were:
Mr. and Mrs. T.O. Ringer of Tilden, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stangland of Albion, Nebraska
Rev. and Mrs. O.C.J. Thompson of Harrington, Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Paull of Madison, Wisconsin
And from Newman Grove, Nebraska came:
Mrs. J. S. Johnson
Miss. Helen Johnson
Sherman Johnson
Leonard Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Johnson
Noble Johnson
The picture below was taken at the wedding of Sarah Johnson and Jim Johnson June 15 , 1921.
Other pictures of Sarah and John Midtlien are below: