Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON FAMILY -
This is a look at Svend Johannesen Haugen and Sigri Iversdatter Odegaard - JOHNSON - along with their Parents, Siblings, and Children.
I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered.
Thanks for your help.
Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson (son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffley, grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan and great grandson of Sevn and Sigri Berg - JOHNSON)
446 Trinity Drive, Allen, TX 75002
Last updated: August 6, 2004
This page will discuss the family of Sigri Johnson, wife of Sven Johnson and Mother to Iver Johnson.
Sven Johnson's wife (my great grandmother) was Sigrid Berg. Her parents and siblings are listed below:
Iver Engebretson Bergene Odegaarden (1809 - 1875) Valdres, Norway
father: Engebret Nilsen Fodnes
mother: Sigrid Svensdtr
m. 1840 Ragnild Syversdtr (1821 - 1873)
father: Syver Syverson Kidtstrand Oydgarden
Mother: Ragnhild Siversdtr
They had the following children:
1. Embrik Ivarsson (1839 - 1840) infant death
2. Sjugurd Ivarsson (1841) infant death
3. Sjugurd (Syver) Ivarsson (1842) m.(1866) Marit Tordsdotter Gausak
4. Siri Ivarsdotter (1844 - 1912) m. 1866 Sven Johannesen Haugen, emigrated in 1868 (see Sven for family data sheets)
5. Engebret Ivarsson (1847 1923) m.(1871) Sigri Larsdotter Fodnes
6. Marit Ivarsdotter (1850 - 1851, died young)
7. Iver Ivarsson (1851 - 1911), emigrated 1873 m. Marit Strand {m. 1875 m Eli (Ellen) Larsdotter Fodnes}
8. Marit Ivarsdotter (1854), immigrated 1874, m. Arne Kolden
9. Helge (Henry)Ivarsson (1857), immigrated 1873 m.Ragnild Fuglei
10. Ragnild Ivarsdotter (1860) record unknown
11. Nils Ivarsson (1864 - 1934), immigrated 1880 m. Jennie E. Woldstad
Family data sheets for those that are underlined can be found at the end of this page.
The family data sheet for Sigri's family can be found at the Sven Johnson page. For that information follow this link:
Sven and Sigri (Berg) Johnson family data sheets
The following pictures are of Sigri and some of her siblings who emigrated to America. They apper in this order, oldest first:
Sigri (1844 - 1912), Iver (1851 - 1911), Marit (1854), Henry (1857), Nils (1864 - 1934). There is also a second picture of Marit included below the main group.
The pictures of Marit were provided by Clara Munger who is a grand daughter of Marit (1854) and Arne A. Kolden and daughter of Iver and Beatta Kolden. The other pictures were copied from the various publications mentiond in this text.
The pictures below are of the Sven and Sigri (Berg) Johnson family taken in 1912 to celebrate Sven's 75th. birthday.
In the first picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, Rose.
In the top row:
John S., Anna, Ida, Sarah, Iver S.
In the second picture, l/r in the first row:
Julia, Sven, Sigri, John S.
In the top row:
Ida, Anna, Iver S., Rose, Sarah.
The picture below Was provided Judy Godel (daughter of Sherman, grand daughter of Sven).
It is a picture of the Sven and Sigri (Berg) Johnson family taken August 10, 1902.
Starting from the left in the first row sitting down: Unknown, John S., Sven.
Standing from the left: unknown, Ida, unknown, Sarah holding Leonard (son of John S. and Mary Halverson), Mary Halverson (wife of John S.), Sigrid Berg (wife of Sven, holding Helen, daughter of John S.and Mary Halverson).
In the tree: Sherman (son of John S. and Mary Halverson), Iver S., unknown.
There are several documents that give us information on Sigri (1844 - 1912) and her family. This
includes the Stanton Register along with books and other publications of the times.
The following obituary was published in the Stanton Register February 9, 1912.
Obituary of Sigri (Berg) Johnson wife of Sven.
Stanton Register, February 9, 1912.
Mrs. Sven Johnson was born in Valdres, Norway, June 15, 1844 and died at her home in Stanton County January 28, 1912 at the age of 67 years, 7 months, and 13 days.
She was married to Sven Johnson in 1865 and in 1868 the family came to America and settled on a homestead in Union Creek prescient which is still the family home.
She was the mother of six children:
John S. Johnson of Newman Grove;
Mrs. J.A. Stangland of Albion;
Mrs. Theo. Ringer of Tilden;
Iver S. of Stanton;
Sarah of Stanton;
Ida of Stanton;
and the step-mother of Mrs.C.J. Anderson of Stanton.
She was grandmother to twenty-one children.
She was the third of a family of nine children, three girls and six boys. Of these the eldest died in infancy, one brother died in Norway in 1894 and one sister in this state the same year. Another sister died at Newman Grove in 1899, and brother at Winnar, Minnesota 1911. Besides her husband and children three brothers, Engebret Berg of Newman Grove, Henry I. of Boone County, Nebraska, and Rev. Nils I. Berg of Fenton, Iowa survive her.
…Relatives and friends from a distance here to the funeral were: John S. Johnson, Newman Grove; Mrs. John S Stangland and daughter Mable, Albion; Mrs. T.O. Ringer and children, Tilden; Rev. N.I. Berg, Fenoa, Iowa; Eli and Carl, Boon County; Mrs. Iver I berg, Wilmer, Minn.; Mrs G.I. Nelson and daughter, Wilmer, Minn.; Ole Johnson, Newman Grove; H. Halverson, Newman Grove; J. Simonson, Newman Grove; Chris Severson, Wisner; Mrs. Peterson, Wisner; Mrs. Anderson, Wisner; T. Oppen, Sioux City; Chris Anderson, Norfolk; Will Ryan, Pilger.
The following articles on Iver and Henry Berg were printed in the book, "TRI-COUNTY PIONEERS" by H. Halderson, attorney at law, Newman Grove, Nebraska.
Iver I. Berg was born in Valders, Norway, July 6, 1851,
baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church. He imigrated to
America in May, 1873 and arrived at Wisner, Nebraska, on the first
day of JuTy, 1873, in company with his yonger brother, Henry,
Ole Johnson Haugen, and several others.
The first one they met at
the depo was Enok A. Torgerson and then came one, Thompson, a
Wisner druggist, who had been requested to watch for their arrival and
direct them to Stanton. Nebraska, where relatives resided. Mr.
Thompson had no way of taking them to Stanton but he located
some nearby campers who were ready to move on towards Stanton,
so he told the newcomers that they would get there by following the
immigrant wagons. Which They did, walking all the way.
Iver Berg was employed in farm work for about a year and in 1874 he homesteaded
in Boone County, about four or five miles west of the South
Branch church, where he started to establish a home and fortune of
his own. In 1875 he was married to Ellen Fodnes, the daughter of a
very fine looking and picturesque pioneer. Two children were born
to this union. One died in infancy and the survivor is Mrs. G. I.
Nelson (Ida Berg). She was a teacher in tHe Newman Grove public
schools for many years. Mrs. Bergs health failed and she passed
away on May 19, 1878.
The surviving husband had great difficulty
managing the farm and family affairs alone in that sparsely settled
region. On May 18, 1881, Mr. Berg was married to Marit Strand, a
daughter of Andrew Strand, Shell Creek homesteader, and a sister
of Mrs. Jennie Nicolaison. They resided on Mr. Berg's first homestead until about 1883, when he made a change of location acquiring a choice farm on the Shell Creek southeast of the South Branch
church. And here is where a typical American home was established.
Eight children were born in this family. Mr. Berg was a strong man
physically, thrifty and shrewd in business. He acquired three or four
quarters of choice land in the valley, erected a fine residence, fenced
and improved the land, helped organise the South Branch church,
contributed liberally to its, support, promoted public schools, was a
church trustee and school board member. Mr. Berg was one of the
original promoters of Shorthorn cattle industry in Boonc County.
The Shorthorn cattle on his farm were n source of great pleasure as
well as profit. His activity along this line was of special benefit to
the pioneer community. He was particularly interested in the education of his children and worked hard for the betterment of the country school system. Everyone of his children had the opportunity of
attending College after completing the grades.
In 1904 he moved with his family to Wilmar, Minnesota, where
he lived, at first in the city, and later on his farm near there. While
residing in that city, he was chairman of the town board, and interested in banking. For many years, he was active in the civic and
business affairs, of that community.
After an illness of some duration,
he departed this life on September 4, 1911 at his farm home near
Wilmar, leaving surviving him his widow and seven children. Mrs.
Marit Berg survived her husband until April 19, 1916. The children
surviving these parents are residing in various parts of the middle
When Henry was slxteen years old he persuaded his
folks to let him leave his home in Valders, Norway, and go with
his older brother to America. They arrived at Wisner, Nebraska
on July 1, 1873. After working on a farm for monthly wages
for about a year, Henry located a claim about six miles west of
the South Branch church. He bought two young steers from
Ole Juelson Sohus for $75.00 on time, but they were too light to
pull the breaking plow. His neighbor, Jul Belgum, was in the
same situtation so they hitched up four steers and broke the
prairie successfully on both farms. They doug out a place in a
side hill, roofed it with brush and weeds and thought they had
a good place to live until one night when a heavy rain flooded
them out. The first load of feed for the ox team, was hauled from
Columbus, about sixty miles, and the lumber for the new sod
house was also hauled from Columbus.
Mr. Berg was married to Ragnild Knudson (a sister of Moms Knudson) by Rev. Hilman, in a
sod house on the Arne Kolden
Place (Marit Berg Kolden was a sister to Henry).
To them were born eleven children, nine now living, six
sons and three daughters. Dr. Berg of Newman Grove being the
Mr. Berg was a member of the school board during pratically all of his residence in Boone county, and in 1903
was elected county commissioner of Boone County. He was recognized
as one of the most enterprising farmers of the county. The
Berg family belonged to the South Branch Lutheran church from
the time of its organization.
The following was published in the 1954 publication of the Luther Seminary graduate biographies.
Berg, Nils Iverson (Ord. 1895 NS)
Born Oct. 2, 1864, at Aurdal, Valdres, Norway, of Iver E. Berg and Ragnhild S. (0degaard). Immigrated 1880.
Attended Luther College, 1886-1892 (A.B.); Luther Seinary, 1892-189S (C.T.).
Kalispell. Montanna, 1895-1899;
Valley City, North Dakota, 1899-1902;
Fenton, Iowa, 1902-1914;
Nome, North Dakota, 1914-1920;
Deering. North Dakota, 1920-29.
Married Jennie E. Woldstad, 1900. Died July 1, 1934.
The following obiturary for Jennie A. (Woldstad) Berg appeared in the Minneapolis Newspaper December 9, 1954.
Mrs. Jennie A. Berg, enken efter pastor N. I.-Berg, dode den 17. november i Minneapolis, og
ble jordfestet i Lakewood Cemitary, Minneapolis. Pastor Elmer Laursen, Fairview Hospital chaplain forrettet.
Afdode blev gift med pastor Berg i 1900 os hadde bisatt sin mann i prestetjenesten til 1920 da
mannen trakk seg tilbake og flytet til Minneapolis. Tidlig pa aret 1924 ble ban syk av kreft
og led meget. Han hensov i juni maned og ble jordfestet her i Minneapolis. Ekteparet hadde ingen
barn, men fruen hadde 5 sostre av hvilke to i Minneapolis: Mrs.Alfred Nelson og Edw. J. Larson,
Mrs. Arthur Gustafson, Cloquet, Mrs. George Forman, og Mrs. Olivia Schulstad og Charles Wildstad, Kalispel, Montana,
Mrs. Berg ble 76 ar gammel.
The following family articles were published in the Newman Grove 1988 Centenial Book.
Alfred Sigrud Berg was born May 30, 1894 to Helge Iverson
Berg and Ragnild (Fuglei) Berg. Helge's first name
was changed to Henry in America. He had six brothers
and four sisters.
Alfred married Laurs Viola Johnson July 2, 1917 at South Branch Lutheran Church. She was born March 31, 1893, to John H. and Rachel (Knudson) Johnson.
They lived on a farm northwest of Newman Grove and
were members of South Branch Church.
Alfred and Laura were parents of four sons and one
daughter, who attended school District 8 in Boone County and Newman Grove Public Schools:
1. Rusell Ernest,Newman Grove (4-16-1918 - 1969) in Los Angeles, California;
2. Lowell Duane, born 9-3-1924 at Newman Grove married Olga Dubiak 10-11-1953 in Chicago, Illinois They have two
sons, David and Joseph, and three grandchildren, all living in Tuscon, Arizona;
3. Irving Eugene, born 4-25-1929 at Newman Grove, married Florence Steensnes 6-22-1951 in
Victorville, California. They have four sons, Gary, Robert, Steven and John and seven grandchildren, all living in Las
Vegas, Nevada;
4. Henry Alien, born 4-2-1931 at Newman Grove
and lives in Las Vagas, Nevada;
5. Helen Elaine, born at Newman Grove 10-11-1935 married Keith Waddington 4-25-
1954. They have a son, Douglas and a daughter, Dianne,
all living in Moore, Oklahoma.
Alfred and Laura moved to Newman Grove in the
1940's and Alfred was employed by Stanley Plumbing
and Heating and Sanderson Lumber and Coal until his
They celebrated their Golden Wedding in 1967, while
living at the Golden Age Apartments and became residents of Mid Nebraska Lutheran Home in 1969. Alfred
passed away 5-25-1970 at Newman Grove Community
Hospital. Laura passed away 4-7-1983 at Columbus
Manor, Columbus, Nebraska. They were members of Trinity Lutheran Church of Newman Grove and are buried at Trinity Church Cemetery, where their son, Russel, is also buried.
The following was written by Geraldine (Berg) Lee grandaughter of Helge Iverson Berg.
My grandfather, Helge Iverson Berg, came from Valders
Norway and began to homestead in Boone County in 1874.
Helge married Ragnild Fuglei, who had also come to America
from Valders with her family. They were faithful charter
members of the South Branch Church: Eleven children were
born to this union. One of their children was my dad, Emil
H. Berg. Emil married Mabel Lee. They farmed in the South
Branch community and became the parents of Rueben, June
(Mrs. Elmer Vonderohe), Adeline (Mrs. Wilbur Reiche), and
Geraldine (Mrs. Kenneth Lee).
Ruben purchased the farm which is the first place south of
the South Branch Church. Dad, Mom and I lived with him.
It was great to live so near to the church that I could even
walk to Sunday School. I'd try to be the first person (after the
Janitor) to arrive at church. Raymond Skillstad was church
Janitor at the time. He would always meet me with a smile.
I would watch him put the hymn numbers on the board, or
start the heater in the vestry on cold mornings. Sunday School
and worship services were often held around that heater during the winter.
My Dad passed away when I was 14 years old Rueben
took on a brother/father role in my life and later was an
uncle/grandpa figure to our children.
I married Kenneth Lee, a neighbor boy, so just moved
across the fence to the Lee farm. Our children Duane Gary
Merlin and Janet Lee (Connell) enjoyed living near both
grandparents having a close, loving relationship, working and
playing together, sharing our joys and sorrows.
One sad time we shared was the time Rueben's house
burned. It was determined that the fire started in the wiring
of the unfinished upstairs storage room.
Smoke and flames
had engulfed the hall and stairway before Rueben who was
asleep in the only upstairs bedroom awakened. He made his
escape through the window and awakened his Mom in the
main floor bedroom. It was difficult for Mom to hurry since
she had arthritis and used a wheel chair. She could hear the
fire crackling the ceillng and walls of her room as she
dressed. Rueben put a coat, scarf and blanket around her
helped her into the sheel chair and wheeled her toward the
barn which was a safe distance from the fire; but
instructed her to wheel herself farther away if the fire became
to hot. From there she watched the screens melt off the porch
while Rueben went for help. They had no phone, so he drove
to our place and we called the fire department for him. He
assured us Mom was safe, then hurried home again. Kenny
also went to help. Efforts not to awaken our children had
failed so I gathered them around me at a north window where
we watched the huge ball of red from the fire rise over the
We talked about how thankful we were that Grandma
and Rueben were safe, and what would they do now? No
need for me to teach them a lesson on " sharing" that night. I
heard offers like: They can come live with us, Rueben can
have my bed; Grandma could use my room because her wheel
chair would fit through that door, etc. The children got their
wish. We became a family of eight from that night until a
new house was built.
It was difficult to think that the old house and most of
its contents were destroyed, however, we felt very blessed
because no lives were taken and God was giving us this special
time together.
After moving into the new house, Rueben continued to
care for Mom, and lived on the same farm until his death in
1989. His nephews, Duane and Merlin Lee, are now stewards
of that farm land.
Kenneth and I have grandchildren who are the fifth
generation of Berg descendants attending church here.
The following was written by Clara Kolden Munger grandaughter of Marit Iversdotter Berg.
Donald Charles was born near Meadow Grove, NE, the
son of Calvin Chester and Avis (DeCamp) Munger. He
has two brothers and three sisters - Ivan and George
Marjorie (Mrs. Edward Schulze), Isabelle (Mrs. Maynard
Schuize) and Eileen (Mrs. Paul Werner).
Clara Myrna was born near Petersburg, NE the only
child of Iver and Beate (Brevik) Kolden. Iver was born and
lived in a sod house in Boone County. His parents were
Arne and Marit (Berg), Kolden. His father died when he
was nine and his mother died when he was 12. He had
two brothers and two sisters:
1. Anton,
2. Richard,
3. Anna (Mrs. Claude Welch and later Mrs. John Watland),
4. Minnie (Mrs. Casper Larson).
Beate was born near Newman Grove, the daughter of Rasmus Jorgenson and
Anna Karina (Simonson) Brevik. She had two sister and three brothers:
1. Annie (Mrs. Ed Covey),
2. Margret,
3. Simon,
4. Bert,
5. George.
Beate's family left the Newman Grove
community in 1907 and moved to Burke, SD, where
members of the family "took" homesteads. Mrs. Brevik
died in 1919 and Mr. Brevik died in 1946.
Don & Clara were married in 1947 and farmed north
of Meadow Grove, a farm that Don's grandfather, Leroy
Munger, had homesteaded. They moved to Newman
Grove in 1962.
They have two daughters and one son:
1. Karina (Mrs. Douglas Canedy) with children Lars, Andrew & Melissa in Phoenix, AZ.
In Newman Grove are:
2. Claretta with children Micah, Andrew, and Michaela,
3. Leroy Arne (wife Lois Rankin) with children Lisa, Tara, and Brooke.
Karina and Leroy graduated from the University of Nebraska with degrees in Business Administration and Education, and Claretta graduated from the University of
Nebraska with a degree in Nursing and also from Colorado
School of Nursing with a Masters Degree in Nursing and
a Pediatric Practitioner's Certificate.
Don and Clara graduated from Wayne State College
in 1966 and have taught in Rural Schools, Elementary
and Secondary Schools, with Don specializing m Science and Clara in Home Economics, Middle School and
Media Specialist.
Clara's grandparents immigrated here from Norway,
and Mrs Brevik was among the first settlers near Newman Grove and founders of Shell Creek Lutheran Church
before she married Mr. Brevik, who came here with a
niece and nephews:
1. Beatta (Mrs. Gunnar Hanson),
2. Andrew Risanger,
3. Martin Risanger,
4. HansRisanger,
5. and George Risanger.
Here are the family data sheets as we know them to day. this information was compiled by Sigbjorn Kullhuset a grandson of Berit (Sister to Sven Johnson) and Clara Munger who is a grand daughter of Marit (1854) and Arne A. Kolden and daughter of Iver and Beatta Brevik Kolden.
Iver Engebretson Bergene Odegaarden (1809 - 1875) Valdres, Norway
father: Engebret Nilsen Fodnes
mother: Sigrid Svensdtr
m. 1840 Ragnild Syversdtr (1821 - 1873)
father: Syver Syverson Kidtstrand Oydgarden
Mother: Ragnhild Siversdtr
They had the following children:
1. Embrik Ivarsson (1839 - 1840) infant death
2. Sjugurd Ivarsson (1841) infant death
3. Sjugurd (Syver) Ivarsson (1842) m.(1866) Marit Tordsdotter Gausak
4. Siri Ivarsdotter (1844 - 1912) m. 1866 Sven Johannesen Haugen, emigrated in 1868 (see Sven for family data sheets)
5. Engebret Ivarsson (1847 1923) m.(1871) Sigri Larsdotter Fodnes
6. Marit Ivarsdotter (1850 - 1851, died young)
7. Iver Ivarsson (1851 - 1911), emigrated 1873 m. Marit Strand {m. 1875 m Eli (Ellen) Larsdotter Fodnes}
8. Marit Ivarsdotter (1854), immigrated 1874, m. Iver Kolden
9. Helge (Henry)Ivarsson (1857), immigrated 1873 m.Ragnild Fuglei
10. Ragnild Ivarsdotter (1860) record unknown
11. Nils Ivarsson (1864 - 1934), immigrated 1880 m. Jennie E. Woldstad
Family data sheets for those that are underlined can be found below.
The family data sheet for Sigri's family can be found at the Sven Johnson page. For that information follow this link:
Sven and Sigri (Berg) Johnson family data sheets
3. Syver Iversen Odegaard (1842 – 1895) m. (Marit Thordsdatter Gausaker (1839)
(did not emigrate)
3.1. Iver Syversen Odegaard (1867 – c.a. 1893)
3.2. Ragnild Syversdatter Odegaard (1869 – 1904)
3.3. Thord Syversen Oydegaard (1871) m. (1895) Dorthe Marie Mikkelsdatter AAbol (1872)
3.4. Inga Marie Syversdatter Odegaard (1873 – 1881) died young
3.5. Syver Syversen Odegard(1874) m. (1906) Marit Mikkelsdatter Nordstrand (1878)
3.6. Anne Syversdatter Odegaard (1877 – 1878) infant death
3.7. Anne Syversdatter Odegaard (1879) m. (1905) Ole Engebretsen Fodnes (1873)
3.8. Engebret Syversen Odegaard ((1881 – 1882) infant death
3.9. Engebret Syversen Odegaard ((1883)
5.Engebret Ivarsson (1847-1923) m. 1871 Sigrid Larsdotter Fodnes (1845-1889)
5.1. Ivar Engebretson (1871)
5.2. Lars Engebretson (1872)
5.3. Engebret Engebretson (1874 – 1933) emigrated to Stanton, Nebraska in 1893 and then farmed in Albion. m. Margaret Horn.
---5.3.1. Sigrid m. Oscar Larson
---5.3.2. John
---5.3.3. Olaf
---5.3.4. Anne m. Larson
---5.3.5. Margaret m. Leonard Larson
---5.3.6. Harold
---5.3.7. Lee
5.4. Ragnild (1876 – 1877) infant death
5.5. Marit (1878 - 1910) not married
5.6. Syver Engebretson (1880) traveled to New York in 1899, served in the Spanish American War in the Philippines, then to the Sacramento Valley
5.7. Ola (1882) infant death
5.8. Ragnild (1883) m. 1903 Nils Olsson Tveit. Sjå Hunslægeret
5.9. Nils (1885) moved to Boston in 1904
5.10. Sigrid (1889) she was a twin, went to Boston and lived with Palmer B. Hackett, had a child, Sigrid Tvedotter, who was raised by her brother, Engebret in Albion, Nebraska
5.11. Maria (1889) this twin died at birth
7. Iver Ivarsson Berg (1851 - 1911), emigrated 1873
m. 1875 m Eli (Ellen) Larsdotter Fodnes
7.1. Ida m. G. I. Nelson (chiropractor)
--- 7.1.1. Inez m. Perry Shean (Panama)
------ Robert Perry
------ Margaret Inez
---7.1.2. Valborg m. James Nebz (Pittsburg)
------ Annette Marie
------ Michel James
------ Thomas
---7.1.3. Walter (paralyzed from birth)
7.2. Boy (unknown)
Iver m. Marit Strand (second wife)
7.3. Albert m. Josie Fruistad
---7.3.1. Sophie m. Lewis
------ Jenoha
---7.3.2. Ethel
---7.3.3. Ingrald m. Francis
------ Beckey Janine
------ Dean
---7.3.4. Iver m. Anna
------ Dana May
------ Donald
---7.3.5. Jehnon m. Dick Jerks
------ Wallace
------ Harry Eldon
------ Jacky
---7.3.6. William m. Katherine
------ Infant (abopted)
---7.3.7. Walter m. Margaret (Kathie)
------ Michael
------ Kathy
------ Donny
7.4. Rena m. Martin Strand (Omaha)
7.5. Rudolph
7.6. Anne Josephine (Willmar, Minnesota)
7.7. Marie m. Lester Franck
7.8. Sigrid
7.9. Martha m. Russell Ackerman
---7.9.1. Ivan
---7.9.2. Robert m. Mari & Norma
------ Larry
------ Jimmy
------ Richard Lee
------ Christopher Todd
---7.9.3. Margaret m. Dick Parker
------ Robert Glen
------ Patty
------ Kathy Ann
------ Dickie (twin)
------ David (twin)
------ Judie
---7.9.4. John m. Norma
------ Jane Marit
7.10. Iver (died at birth, buried at South Branch Cemetery, Boone County, Ne)
8. Marit Ivarsdotter (1854), immigrated 1874, m. Arne. A Kolden
8.1. Anton A. m. Christine Kaasa & Dorothy
---8.1.1. Alfred m. Pearl Conner
------ Janahn
------ Margaret (? – 1920)
------ Wayne
------ John
8.2. Anna m. Claude Welch & John Watland
---8.2.1. Melroy Cline Welch m. Esther Wurtzel
------ Donna Belle Irene m. Thomas Alexander Sheppel
--------- Russell Mark m. Pamela Mae Curran
------------ Briana
------------ Kelsey
------------ Marielle
------------ Joseph
------------ Timothy
--------- Laurie Kathleen m. Robert Carros Jr.
------------ Ashley Christine
------------ Glenn Robert
------ Claude Melroy m. Marilyn Edith Burgess
--------- Jennifer m. Patrick King
------------ Taylor Patrick
------------ Kelly
--------- Jeffrey Claude
---8.2.2. Mildred Welch M. Harold Miller & Roger Walton
------ Danny Dean m. Florence Stewart
------ Elaine m. Harley Murray
--------- Craig Allen
--------- Curtis
---8.2.3. Doris Welch m. Thomas Games
------ Richard Thomas
------ Susan Rebecca
8.3. Iver m. Beatta Brevik
---8.3.1. Clara m. Donald Munger
------ Karina m. Douglas Canedy
--------- Melissa Megan
--------- Lars m. Melissa (Douglas’ previous marriage)
------------ Chandler
------------ Macy
------------ Avery
--------- Andrew (Douglas’ previous marriage)
------ Claretta divorced
--------- Micah
--------- Andrew
--------- Michaela
------ Leroy m. Lois Rankin
--------- Lisa
------------ Jacob Henn
------------ Chelsea Munger
--------- Tara
--------- Brooke m. Ray Baumbach
------ Leroy m. Diane Dyer (second marriage)
--------- Jack Leroy
8.4. Richard, unmarried – Union & Southern Pacific RR, California
8.5. Minnie m. Casper Larson
---8.5.1. Dorothy m. Hollis Goodman
------ Joann m. Edward Kunzman
------ Donald m. Linda
------ Duane m. Joan Pieke
--------- Mark
------ Roland m. Sally Carlson
--------- Dane
--------- Kara
--------- Krista
------ Janice m. Jerry Sokol
--------- Kevin
--------- Scott
------ Kathy m. Ted Sup
--------- Ryan
--------- Desiree
---8.5.2. LaRue m. Victor Hilverty
------ Sally m. Willis Sprague
------8.5.2. 2. Richard m. Ruth
---8.5.3. Lois Elaine, (? – 1928)
---8.5.4. Janaha m. Kenneth Eng
---8.5.5. Dale m. Cora Larson
------ Terry m. Sue
------ Larry
------ Connie m. Tom
------ Linda
---8.5.6. James m. Dorothy
------ Jeffrey
------ Kristen
---8.5.7. Robert m. Anna Marie
---8.5.8. Richard m. LaDonna
9. Helge (Henry) Ivarsson Berg (1857), immigrated 1873 m. Ragnild Fuglei
9.1. Eli m. Elizabeth Turmo (Eli was a Chiropractor in Newman Grove – no children)
9.2. Carl
9.3. Anne m. Jens Paulsen
---9.3.1. Bruce
---9.3.2. Clara
---9.3.3. Donald
---9.3.4. Glenn
---9.3.5. Robert m. Margaret Austin
------ Esther
------ Ruth
------ Mary
9.4. Randina m. Hans Qualset
---9.4.1. Helen m. Herman Mykelbust
---9.4.2. Herbert
---9.4.3. Rudolph
---9.4.4. Ernest
9.5. Emil m. Mabel Lee
---9.5.1. Ruben
---9.5.2. June m. Elmer Vanderhoe
------ Judith Elaine m. Lyle Ondracek & Arthur Seamson
------ Carol Jean m. Dennis Nitz
---9.5.3. Adeline m Wilbur Reike
---9.5.4. Geraldine m. Kenneth Lee
------ Duane m. Sharon Howland
------ Gary m. Carolyn Dinsmore
------ Merlin m. Lora McClain
------ Janet m. Robert Connell
9.6. Minnie m. Andrew B. Tisthammer
---9.6.1. Mildred m. Kenneth Tisthammer
------ Kaye m. Graham Koehler
--------- Brent
---9.6.2. Harold m. Lois Flotree
------ Harold Bruce
------ Janet
------ Lorane m. Mark Walth
--------- Benjamin
--------- Isaac
--------- Aaron
------ Bruce m. Desiree Macken
--------- Blake
------ Janet m. Brian Smith
---9.6.3. Ethel m. Raymond Jacobson
------ Kathy m. Nathan
------ Craig m. Ashburn
---9.6.4. Arthur m. Hinman
---9.6.5. Lucille
---9.6.6. Helen
9.7. Alfred m. Laura Johnson
9.7.1. Russell
9.7.2. Lowell
9.7.3. Heinie (Henry)
9.7.4. Eugene m. Florence Steensness
9.7.5. Helen
9.8. Robert m. Helen
9.9. Arthur m. Lucy Hinman
9.9.1. (twins died young)
The following is a copy of the family data records in Norway:
Nørre Breiset og Hermannstølen ("Bergo") (68/3) (lnr 185c, 187b og 184d)
Neste brukar var Embrik Nilsson på gnr. 68/5, og etter han overtok sonen Ivar Embriksson Bergo 1809-1875 g 1840 m Ragnild Syversdotter Ødegaard frå Øydgarden gnr. 75/1, 1821-1873. Ivar Embriksson kjøpte i 1847 Øygarden gnr. 75/1 for 800 spd. I 1854 skreiv han Ødegaarden.
1 Embrik f 1839, død 1840.
2 Sjugurd f 1841, død 2 timar gamal.
3 Sjugurd f 1842, g 1866 m Marit Tordsdotter Gausåk. Dei var brukarar i Øygarden gnr. 75/1.
4 Sigrid f 1844, g 1866 m enkjemann Svein Johannesson Haugen. Sjå Espelihaugen gnr. 75/6.
5 Engebret f 1847, neste brukar.
6 Marit f 1850, død same året.
7 Ivar f 1851, reiste til Amerika i 1873. Han var i Alaska på gullgraving ei tid og forfraus visst tærne sine der. I 1874 fekk han seg homestead i Boone Coynty. G 1875 m Eli (Ellen) Larsdotter Fodnes. Sjå gnr. 68/4. Ivar døydde i 1916.
8 Marit f 1854, reiste til Omaha, Nebraska i 1874.
9 Helge f 1857, reiste til Amerika i 1873 og kalla seg Henry der. Han skaffa seg homestead i Boone County i 1875, og gifte seg seinare med Ragnild Knudson.
10 Ragnild f 1860, tenar her hjå broren i 1875.
11 Nils f 1864, til oppfostring her i 1875. Han reiste til Amerika i 1880, gjekk på Luther College og Luther Seminary og vart ordinert i 1895. G 1900 m Jennie A. Woldstad.
Engebret Ivarsson Bergene 1847-1923 g 1871 m Sigrid Larsdotter Fodnes frå gnr. 68/4, 1845-1889, død i barsel.
1 Ivar f 1871, død 1911.
2 Lars f 1872, neste brukar.
3 Engebret f 1874, død 1933. Han reiste til Stanton, Nebraska i 1893 og slo seg ned som farmar i Albion. Gm Margaret Horn og hadde sju born.
4 Ragnild f 1876, død 1877.
5 Marit f 1878, ugift, død 1910.
6 Syver f 1880, reiste til New York i 1899. Han deltok i den spansk-amerikanske kolonikrigen og budde ei tid på Fillippinene. Sidan arbeidde for eit fruktfirma i Sacramento Valley det meste av livet.
7 Ola f 1882, død same året
8 Ragnild f 1883, g 1903 m Nils Olsson Tveit. Sjå Hunslægeret gnr. 16/8.
9 Nils f 1885, reiste til Boston i 1904.
10 Sigrid f 1889, tvill., reiste til Boston i 1904 saman med broren. Gm Palmer B. Hackett. Dei var farmarar saman med bror hennar, Engebret, i Albion. I 1920 flytte dei til Hazard. Dei hadde ikkje born sjølve men fostra opp systerdotter hennar, Sigrid Tvedt.
11 Maria f 1889, tvill., død same dagen.
Etter opplysningar frå slekta slo alle desse som reiste til Amerika seg ned i Newman Grove, Nebraska. Alle brukte namnet Berge i Amerika.
Lars Engebretsson Bergene 1872-1947 død 1949? g 1897 m Astrid Olsdotter Rogndokken 1863-1948.
1 Engebret f 1897, død 1913.
2 Olaf f 1899, neste brukar.
3 Sigurd f 1902, overtok her etter broren i 1971.
4 Dødfødd 1907.
Olaf Larsson Bergene, ugift, 1899-1971 Sigurd Larsson Bergene 1902-1974 gm Margit Aaberg frå Åbjør gnr. 106/1, 1901-1987.
Sigurd var sokneprest i Årdal frå 1929 til 1945, lærar ein del år i Nord-Aurdal og seinare stiftskappelan i Hamar Bispedømme.
1 Astrid f 1934, neste brukar.
Eigar frå 1974 til 1985: Astrid Bergene f 1934.
Astrid og mora kjøpte Fredensborg gnr. 66/184 i 1986 og flytte dit.
Breisetjordet 68/6 følgde med overdraginga. Støl på Hermannstølen også.
Eigarar frå 1985: Einar Breiseth og Gunnar Breiseth. Sjå gnr. 70/5.
The pictures below have been provided by Clara Munger who is a granddaughter of Arne and Marit Berg Kolden.
The first pictures are of the Arne and Marit Berg Kolden family. The first row of pictures are of Arne and Marit, the second and third row show Anton, Anna, Iver, Richard, and Minnie, arranged by age:
These are additional pictures of Marit and her daughters Anna and Minnie:
Here are some wedding pictures in the following order, Anton and his second wife Dorothy, Iver who married Beatta Brevik and Minnie who married Casper Larson:
These are children of Anna, the first picture is of a baby Melroy and then Doris:
This is a picture of the Kolden siblings in later years, l/r Anton, Iver, Richard, Anna, Minnie:
the following pictures are Clara Kolden and Don Munger's wedding and then Clara:
The picxture below was taken in 2004, l/r: Gene Johnson, Don and Clara Munger, Wilma Tschudin, and Arlen Tschudin.