This is a look at the Johnson - Heffley Family history. I hope that this web page can become a collection of information and a resource for family and friends. I plan to update, and/or, correct this page as new information is discovered. Thanks for your help.

Web site manager:Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson, son of Ellsworth and Rowena Heffly Johnson. Grandson of Iver and Anna Ryan Johnson and Adam LeRoy (Roy) and Wilomiena (Minnie) Heffley.
446 Trinity Drive, Allen, TX 75002
This page was last updated August 3, 2004

Here are links to the Johnson and Heffley Family data sheets and histories.

Valdres History and Family data sheets

Elkhorn Valley at the time of the early pioneers

Stanton County Cemetery used by the first Norwegian Settlers "The Norwegian Cenetery"

1. Knut Mickelsen Haadem and Agathe Johannesdottr Family

2. John Johannesen Haugen and Marit Halsteinsdattr Johnson Family (Knut Ivarsen & Thomas Everson)

3. Sven Johannesen Haugen and Sigrid Iversdotter Odegaard Johnson Family
3.1 Carl J. and Julia (Johnson) Anderson Family
3.2 John S. and Mary (d/o Haldor Halverson) Johnson Family
3.3 John and Ragnhild (Rose Johnson) Stangland Family
3.4 Iver S. and Anna (d/o William Ryan) Johnson Family
3.5 John and Sarah Matilda (Johnson) Midtlein Family
3.6 Theodore Otto and Anna Emelia (Johnson) Ringer Family
3.7 James and Ida Belinda (Johnson) Johnson Family
4. Halvor Halvorson and Sara Johannesdottr Halvorson Family (also brother Haldor Halverson)

5. Erik Thomassen Dokken and Berit Johannesdottr Dokken Family

6. Ole Loe and Ragnild Johannesdottr Loe Family

7. Ole Johanneson Haugen and Karen Andersdotter Johnson Family (Karen Lavina Johnson)

Families Related to Johnson's:

Iver Engebretsen Fodnes (Sigri Berg Johnson) Family

William and Caroline (Wittler) Ryan Family

Frank Wittler Family

Here are links to the Heffley Family data sheets and histories, for Rowena Josephene Heffley Johnson (Adam LeRoy and Willominea Blum Heffley's daughter), her ancestors, siblings and their children.

John C. Blum Family
George Henry Heffley Family (Lucy Gordon)
William Gillespie Family
Killala, Ireland History
John Gordon Family (Mary Duke)
John Gordon Manuscript
Sheriff George Gordon of Frederick County (Miss. Forbes)
The life and Times of George Gordon
Mary Duke Family
John Cain Family

Eugene (Gene) D. Johnson Family
The following web pages are a collection of pictures from various family lines:

Iver S. Johnson Family pictures Album
Eugene Johnson Family Pictures Album
Roger Heffley Family Pictures Album
Unknown Family Pictures, help us identify them

John Deere Tractor Restoration:
John Deere 1940 model H owned by Ryan Rutledge's great grand father James Carpenter
